Classical Academics
Students meet on campus from 8:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday.
There is also a 1-day option for the Primary School (3s-PreK).
Primary School (3s-PreK): Montessori-Inspired
For the Primary School, parents may enroll a student for the 2-day program (Monday & Wednesday) or the 1-day program (choose Monday or Wednesday).
What do we mean by Montessori-inspired?
Montessori classrooms are largely child-driven, giving children access to a number of very hands-on learning experiences. The following subjects represent the myriad of topics your child will be introduced to; some will naturally engage your particular child more than others, which is exactly what we want. This approach encourages a delight in learning and sense of ownership right from the very start.
Math & Number Sense
World Geography
Nature Study
Fine Motor & Sensory Skills
Life Skills (ex. shoe-tying, cutting fruit, folding clothes, plant care, table setting, etc.)
How it Works at Home
The Primary class does not receive a weekly assignment guide or other homework. Parents are highly encouraged to read aloud, spend time outside, and encourage their children to learn through everyday activities like grocery shopping, cooking, family outings, etc.
Lower School (K-6th Grade): Charlotte Mason-Inspired
What We Mean by Charlotte Mason-inspired
We are influenced by the works of Charlotte Mason, a British classical educator who believed that children are persons created in God’s image, not vessels to be filled with knowledge. We agree with her conclusion that education is about more than training for a job, passing an exam, or getting into the right college. Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life; it is about understanding who we are and how we fit into the universe God created. Habit training is emphasized from a young age; children are taught the meaning of the phrase "I Am, I Can, I Ought, I Will."
How it Works at Home
Some of the following courses are taught on Monday and others are taught on Wednesday. Teachers prepare weekly assignment guides that help parents and students continue their learning on home days. Students are expected to complete all assigned work, though parents are free to adjust the schedule for their family's needs. For instance, some students may prefer to complete all of their grammar assignments on Tuesday, rather than spacing them throughout the week.
Content-based studies, such as history and science, are coordinated so the entire family (K-6th) can learn the same material together. Skill-based studies, such as spelling and math, are independently leveled for each grade.
Composer Study
Artist Study
Language Arts
Skill-level Arithmetic
Math Games
Nature Studies (botany, zoology, meteorology, geology, astronomy, human anatomy, etc.)
Foreign Language
K-4th Grade: Spanish
5th-6th Grade: Latin
Fine Arts (ex. drawing, watercoloring, paper art, etc.)
Common Arts (ex. cooking, sewing, whittling, etc.)
Music Theory
Group Instruments (ex. handbells, tin whistles, etc.)
Folk Dancing
Physical Education
Group Sports
Recess Games
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.
~ Abigail Adams
Upper School (7th-10th Grade): Classical Tradition
Classical Tradition
“Classical Education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on the true, the good, and the beautiful by means of the seven liberal arts with Christ as the Logos.”
- Andrew Kern, CiRCE Institute
How it Works at Home
Humanities, Math, and Science classes are taught on both Monday and Wednesday. Other classes are taught either Monday or Wednesday, but not both days.
Teachers will send out weekly assignment guides to help parents and students continue learning on home days. Students are expected to complete all assigned work, though they are free to adjust the schedule for their family's needs. For instance, some students may prefer to complete all of their history reading on Tuesday, rather than spacing them throughout the week. As long as the student is well-prepared for each class day, the home schedule is flexible.
Composer Study
Artist Study
Skill-level Mathematics
Advanced Arithmetic
Algebra I with Geometry
Algebra II with Geometry
Physical Science & Lab
Biology & Lab
Foreign Language
Latin (7th & 8th)
Spanish (9th & 10th)
Art* (One Semester of Each)
Fine Arts (ex. drawing, watercoloring, paper art, etc.)
Common Arts (ex. cooking, sewing, whittling, etc.)
Music Theory
Group Instruments (ex. handbells, tin whistles, etc.)
Folk Dance and/or Theater
Physical Education*
Group Sports
Recess Games
*While we endeavor to provide enrichment for all upper school students, depending on class size and scheduling, not all enrichment electives may be offered every year.